21 Days to the Love of Your Life e-book

Single and Happy or Single and Sad?

Why is it that some people can easily find a boyfriend or a girlfriend and others done’t seem to be able to? That question has plagued me for most of my life. Is it just the popular kids in school who find a partner and if so, then what’s wrong with the rest of us?  The answer is a simple one-word conclusion: NOTHING!  Right! There is nothing wrong with us that we can’t find a romantic partner. Nothing that can’t be investigated, questioned analysed and improved upon. The people who can find love easily have a few things going for them. They believe in themselves, they put out attracting magnetism and they are adept at demonstrating genuine interest in the other person. Like so many things in life, it’s all about the approach we take and the attitude we bring with us.

If you’re one of the many single people in the world who is frustrated by not having romance in your life then there may  be a few areas to look at.

  1.  Are you so busy with work and responsibilities that the very thought of having a partner sends you into a tailspin? “I don’t have time for it” is a cry I hear frequently.
  2.  Are you in debt and constantly racing against the clock to make money to get yourself free of debt?  If this is so, get yourself into a debt-management program, read some books, and handle that aspect so you feel better about yourself and more at ease.
  3.  Do you have baggage from past relationship or family that keep you on edge or  withdrawn and fearful of being hurt again? Take the 21 Day Course and learn how to forgive and move past the past.
  4.  How is your self-image and self esteem? Do you continually criticize yourself and use food, alcohol or video games to numb your feelings? Do you try to escape?
  5.  Are you frustrated with not finding the right person after trying many dating services and hook-ups?
  6.  If you’re wiling to believe in yourself for three weeks and work the 21-Day Process you will change your life, your mind and widen your prospect to attract the love of your life.
  7.  Your will learn more about yourself that you have before, even if you’ve been in counseling.
  8. You will  extend your talents and enhance your self-esteem. Everybody benefits.
  9. You will amplify your personal magnetism and bring in the love of your life, if you work the 21 Day Process according to the guidelines.

If you want to balance your life, bring in a new and lasting love, then I can help you. I did it for myself and for many of my friends, colleagues and relatives. You’ll love the inner work this course requires and most of all, you’ll love the results of what it can do for your life.  You can also just sit back and hope someone falls into your lap, but that could take years. Why not have a go at this process and bring love into your life now?

I started out skeptical, but the first time I worked the process I saw the value.  As I refined it over the years it has become a well-honed tool not just for self improvement, but for the good of the global community as well. Love is the heart of this course and when two people share their love, the whole world benefits. Don’t just do it for you…do it for all of us!

21 Days to the Love of Your Life Course. Sign up now and change your world. You don’t have to be single and sad for one more day.

21 Days to the Love of Your Life e-book

Are You Single and All Alone for the Holidays?

heart-and-santaThe holidays can have you excited and festive, or they can have you down and blue.  If you’re between relationships or feeling particularly single and lonely, don’t brood about it.  Here are some tips for your holidays if you’re alone this time of year.

  • There are many organizations that can use your help this time of year. Sign up for one of them and help out.
  • If you sing or play an instrument, join a chorale group or a band and raise your spirits through music.
  • Help at an animal shelter. Use your online skills to take photos and show adoptable pets.
  • Hospitals can use people to distribute gifts and donated items. Volunteer to help read to the elderly or blind and see how you can use your gifts to assist another.
  • Join a church. Find out what’s offered in your community and associate with a group that shares your spiritual beliefs.
  • Find chat groups that are willing to get out into the community and help others. The homeless are cold this time of year, many people donate items but they need to reach the people who need them.
  • Become an Uber driver. You can meet people and provide a service as well as make money at the same time.
  • Send out greeting cards to your long-lost friends and reconnect.
  • Use social media to get into groups outside your home.
  • Do not sit alone and fret. Get up, get out and put your focus on someone or something other than yourself and your feelings of being alone. Watch what happens.
21 Days to the Love of Your Life e-book

Kac Young 21 Days tot he Love of Your Life Interview with Dave Congalton Feb. 17 at 3 PM PST

Kac Young as a guest on Dave Congalton’s Show, Wednesday,  Feb 17 from 3pm- 4pm PST.  KVEC 920 AM Radio.


 The topic is:  Matters of the Heart. How to Find Love at Any Age.

21 Days to the Love of Your Life e-book

Proof It Works!

This morning a familiar and very handsome fifty-something man walked into my church.  I recognized him instantly. Right before the service was about to begin he came up to the podium to shake my hand and introduce his new girlfriend to me. He had taken my 4 week class, 21 Days to the Love of Your Life and had a smile the size of Texas on his face. He proudly announced that the lady standing next to him was who he met after taking the course and working the process. She was also grinning from ear to ear and they were holding hands.

He wasn’t finished. Next, he introduced his sister from Southern California who was also interested in the book and about to begin working the process. She admitted, “My brother swears by this book and I can’t wait to find the love of my life, too.”  Those faces and the big smiles were the thrilling ratification of the reason I wrote the book in the first place. Helping people find love by clearly stating their desires, working out their personal kinks and being confident in their ability to love and be loved.  Living proof was standing right in front of me, again.

It was time for service to begin and I watched them through the hour. They were clearly in love, smiling at each other, interacting and behaving like two peas in a pod.  My heart was full for them and I am so glad he took the time, did the work and found who surely looked to be the love of his life.


21 Days to the Love of Your Life e-book



Kac Young  was raised in Bellingham and went off to Southern California to become a successful television producer  and director.  Along the way, she found the secret to finding and keeping “The Love of Your Life”. She’s back in Bellingham at Village Books, 1200 11th Street to teach her process and share the secret: 21 Days to the Love of Your Life. Admission is free.

21 Days to the Love of Your Life was born from the many success stories, numerous marriages and the belief that there is someone out there for everyone who really wants to find a mate.

“We spend more time and care on our cars that we do on fostering romance.  We have the notion that falling in love is what we’re supposed to do, but falling anywhere can be dangerous,” says Dr. Young. “This process is half science and half art. You have to learn how love works and then create your own masterpiece from the palette of your own strengths and weaknesses.  If you are willing to spend 3 short  weeks of your life preparing the soil for your future relationship, you will plant a great garden for lasting romance. ”

Relationship seekers who have spent hours online, suffered through blind dates, been to endless singles clubs and events looking for romance should be delighted to learn a 3-week process that can change their romantic lives for the better. The 21 Day Process involves introspection, clarification of goals, understanding how love works as a reciprocal interaction and laying plans for a true love.

Kac Young teaches an introduction to this 21 Day Process :

September 14, 2014  at 4:00 PM

Village Books, 1200 11th Street in Bellingham, WA.

Admission is FREE and open to everyone.


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…A Man Walked Up To Me And Said……

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Susan Irby, The Bikini Chef

An incredible thing happened this past weekend.  I was on location directing a television pilot with the beautiful Susan Irby, The Bikini Chef, and one of our special guests on the show came up to me and asked, “Would you autograph my book?”  I had never met him before.

In his hand was a copy of 21 Days to the Love of Your Life. What are the odds? It was a delightful surprise!  He went on to tell me how the book had changed his life and that he was now in a wonderful relationship thanks to working the process. Nothing makes me happier than hearing the success stories of people who follow the 21 Day Process and find romance.

I hope  everyone who wants to find a mate reads this book and works the process. The life-changes are amazing; I’ve seen it happen many times over the years. It worked for me and several of my friends, too.

I’m not claiming that this book and process is the only way to find love, but it is a genuine proven method, when worked faithfully and according to the directions, and it does deliver the results.

I’m so happy for S.D.  His great big smile was contagious. (I’ll contact him and  ask him for permission to use his full name). Hopefully he will invite me to his wedding!

If you’re struggling with dating, worried about finding a mate, depressed about relationships, lonely and seeking love then please do yourself  a favor and try this process for yourself.

21 Days to the Love of Your Life e-book

Love Is In The Air

etherial heartsAre you feeling like everyone has a great love life but you? February can be a hard month when everyone else is getting cards, having romantic dinners and you are sitting at home in front of your computer trying to figure out why you’re not in that mix. But haven’t we all been there before? Some say you can’t have money, career and romance all at the same time; something has to suffer.  Your’re either working too hard to pay the bills, or you’re successful in business but not at romance. Or, you’ve got a great lover, but no job and your savings are dwindling. Sound familiar?

If you feel that it’s one or the other, then let me cheer you up. You CAN have everything at the same time, in degrees, it just takes some clever management to balance out the demands of each sector. I am in awe of moms and dads who work hard at their jobs, take care of their kids, and seem to still have time for date nights.  Every category gets some attention, but not all at the same time.

The first thing you want to do, if you are feeling pressured and over-challenged in one area or another, is to make a list of what matters most to you. Select five categories and rank them in order. For example, do you consider, career, family, money, leisure, travel, romance, health, or success at the top of your list?  How do the others rate in order of importance? What else is important to you? Write them all down. Once you have a list, cut it down to five and there’s your answer.

Start concentrating on those five, using the top three as primary areas of desires and divide your waking day into thirds.  Give each area of your life one-third of your focus and see how that works for you. Obviously, if you work 9-5 you can’t be on the phone with your partner for 3 hours a day, but you can concentrate on your romantic life when you take a break.

Or, you can do something for your health part of the time if you have ranked health in your top three. You’ll begin to see how easy it is to bring these top three important choices into your consciousness when you create the time and space to focus on it. Energy flows where attention goes, so make sure you start giving mental, emotional and physical energy to the things you care about most and want to flourish in your life. You can shift them around and re-rank them at any time.

If you want love and romance, start looking for it. Work the 21 Day process and let your energy start to attract another person into your life.  I’ve watched this happen successfully for decades. You can have it, too.  There’s no magic or mystery, just plain old concentration and focus. That’s what gets the job done.  There is no reason you can’t have the love of your life.  And, you can get started finding it today.

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21 Days – Success is Just Beginning For Ten Beautiful People

It’s been an exciting September and October. 10 people just completed a four week course is 21 Days to the Love of Your Life. Men and women signed up to learn how to attract love into their lives. One student wrote me today: “Many thanks for a very good class. You did a very fine job–well prepared, good information, nice quotes. You are a fine speaker and it is good of you to do these classes as way of offering yourself to make a better world. My thanks and appreciation, God bless you for doing it.”

The last class finished last night and as I was leaving most of them were still chatting in the parking lot about the class and their plans to find a new love.

Without exception, each student was inspired to go out into the world with renewed enthusiasm for finding love. There were widows and widowers in the class along with single folks and divorced people. The mix made for exciting questions and interactive discussions. Everyone shared their feelings and stories withe confidence and courage. I was happy they felt safe and secure enough to talk about themselves.

I’m no Kreskin, but I have a very strong intuition that these 10 souls will find love, happiness, and fulfillment. Thy are all doing the work, working the 21 Day process and I have no doubt they will flourish.

If you feel like you’re ready for a lasting love, then get the course, put in the time and watch how love  comes into your life.

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